Whilst travelling with Absolute Africa we aim to allow you to experience new people and places, whilst respecting and preserving the cultural integrity of the people and the natural state of the environments we visit.

Litter: When packing, bear in mind that relatively little commercial recycling is done in Africa. Where possible remove packaging before you go to Africa and use biodegradable products. Whilst on the road, retain your litter until you reach a town or city where it can be disposed of safely.

Water: Water may seem plentiful at the time you are travelling on your overland trip, however many people in Africa are totally reliant on seasonal surface water that is within walking distance. They share this limited resource with both their domestic livestock and the wildlife for which Africa is famous. With this is mind, we promote conservative water usage and support the use of environmentally friendly cleaning products.

Shopping: Wherever possible we support the economies of the many rural areas through which we travel. We encourage our clients to purchase local food for their lunches and we also encourage visiting in villages where souvenirs can be purchased directly from the craftsmen or women. Purchase of products produced from endangered and/or protected fauna and flora is discouraged.

Fires: Many people in Africa are reliant on woodfires for cooking. As the population has increased the impact of this is of growing concern. Whilst barbeques are an integral part of any African experience, we frequently utilize gas cookers in order to help preserve the increasingly scarce wood supply.

Cultures & Respect: Consideration should be taken of the customs and beliefs of the people you meet on your travels. Some cultures have beliefs regarding having their photograph taken, so it is polite to ask permission first. Attitudes with regards to clothing are often quite conservative, so your dress code should take this into consideration. To ensure that you don’t offend, revealing garments like g-string bikinis should be avoided. Religious beliefs and events should always be respected. Trying to understand the customs and beliefs of the people you meet will enhance your travel experience and broaden your perspective.

Fauna and Flora: You may pass through some fragile and unique ecosystems that deserve particular respect. Some immensely important concerns, such as the preservation of endangered animals like the mountain gorillas are obvious. Less obvious perhaps is the preservation of all habitats as they support a myriad of species, as is the preservation of lesser known species of fauna and flora. Take care where you walk – stick to established paths, and leave things as beautiful and untouched as you find them.

As the old adage says . . . 'Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints.'